Saturday, August 23, 2014

Beyonce To Receive the Video Vanguard Award...

Personally I don't see it, I guess that is mainly because I came up in a time where videos made the album or The song. However, In today's standard of what music is and where our music channels are filled with "reality" shows I guess one could make the argument that she deserves the award. Video Vanguard Awards were once awarded to those who shaped and changed the concept of video's With the likes of Micheal, Janet and Madonna just to name a few. I've seen the Beyonce album videos and some are nice but I wouldn't be quick to say Epic or her entire video catalog for that matter. Now I am not saying that there weren't a few cool videos by her but Epic they were not. If you ask a Beyonce fan I am sure you life would be threatened to no end ,but My Blog my opinion, This is just the state of Music today. Where people set records in Features not their own songs, Where you get an Icon award and you haven't done anything Iconic. Oh well I guess this is why I have my Ipod I tend to listen to what I want when I want not what they try and make me listen to. But all in all Congrats Bey Up next a Grammy Lifetime Achievement...

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